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Going down on a Goddess
A poetic perspective of receiving the most delicious yoni honoring. Oh My. What it does to me when I feel how much you love to kiss, touch and eat her like the most delicious thing you have ever tasted. It awakens my Sensual Goddess and my deep yearning desire to...
Sorry, but…STI`s are real!
There is something i really desire to speak up about it...STI`s! Sexually transmitted infections. The „things“ you get from lovemaking. (you may already be triggered here, but i invite you to stay a moment with me…) You may have heard about it and maybe suffered from...
Why penetration can be a blessing or a curse
Being lovingly penetrated can be the most amazing experience in human existence. It has the potential to create this sacred and intimate bond between lovers. A bond that’s even hard to fully describe with words. It’s something you can feel when lovers_couples...