A poetic perspective of receiving the most delicious yoni honoring.
Oh My.
What it does to me when I feel how much you love to kiss, touch and eat her like the most delicious thing you have ever tasted.
It awakens my Sensual Goddess and my deep yearning desire to surrender into your hands(-mouth).
Melting in ways we may have never melted before. Every time taking another layer of depth. I wonder how much depth is pussyble.
This first moment, when I know it’s happening but I’m not fully sure yet when. This moment, when your body slowly starts to move downwards and my belly has tons of butterflies flying out of excitement. Knowing and Not-Knowing what is unfolding now. You are bowing down to me and my legs are opening up to your irresistible masculine energy…
Your eyes are just gazing at my yoni with full presence. Wow, how much she wants to be seen by you. She wants to be soft and vulnerable with you. She in-joys this deep intimacy so much. There is so much sacredness in being so vulnerably intimate together.
Then you do the thing, you know. The Thing that makes me and especially HER go crazy.
You speak to her.
In your language which my mind doesn’t understand at all. But my body perceives the vibrations of the words with so much pleasure. And I feel how much love and adoration lies in there. I see the smile on your face and how much you enjoy doing this to me. I feel you through your words inside of me. Yummy.
You start resting your head on my vulva. And we just breathe. Letting the movement of my body guide us, synchronizing our breath, tuning our energies together. From the outside, there is almost no movement happening, but inside fireworks are happening. So much movement lives in stillness. You only gonna experience the magic of that if you are pausing. Being brave enough to do nothing. To have trust that energies know exactly what to do, you just let it happen like waves in the ocean.
Pussy awakens. She knows you are there. She feels you. SHE WANTS YOU – and you know.
You know, but you wait. You let me bathe in my impatient, wild way of moving my body, literally begging you for more.
It’s your decision when I pleasure-suffered enough and you finally go down on me.
Mhhhh…your tongue is so soft that I can’t tell the borders between my yoni and you. It’s all one. One melty pleasure cream of bliss. Curiously exploring my whole yoniverse. What an amazing sensation to be explored by another human being. My mind tries to catch up with what is happening till the last piece of control drops and I’m allowing myself to surrender to the pleasure of this magical moment.
We both know I am yours now.
I am gone.
Nothing else exists any more than this very moment.
Ohhh please let’s NEVER EVER do anything else again, then just THIS.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
I’m sharing some female insights if you wanna bliss out your Goddess;
♡ Create a sacred space that makes her feel like a Goddess.
♡ Tell her how beautiful her Yoni is and be specific about it.
♡ Look into her eyes. Gaze her Yoni. There is an energetic superpower that shines through your eyes. Eye gazing creates an incredible depth of intimacy.
♡ Take time to warm up her whole body (the more YIN a woman is the more you need to approach her from the outside-in; means take a lot of time till you go to her Yoni. If you go to fast to her sacred temple it could be quite a turn-off…)
♡ Super-Trick: If she lays on her back; put pillows under her knees when she opens her legs into a butterfly position. This allows her to fully relax her legs and open up her Yoni. Otherwise, she will have tension in her legs that kind of block the full deep relaxation of her pelvis.
♡ Let this be an honoring ritual itself, don’t see this as a «preparation for penetration». This way she can enter into deep surrender and pleasure.
♡ Explore her whole vulva, not just her clitoris (it can be so annoying and irritating if there is too much touch and focus on the clitoris)
♡ SLOW DOWN! I mean it seriously: slow down. Do everything 75% slower than you normally would and see how much pleasure your Goddess is receiving in slowness. Pussy loves slowing down so much. If you master the SLOWING DOWN THING you can fuckin freak her out!!
♡ Play with your tongue and which part of your tongue actually touches the Yoni. You can make your tongue harder or softer and it really gives her completely different sensations.
♡ Play with the intensity of pressure. Imagine a scale from 1-10 (1:no pressure and 1o: too much pressure) and explore all numbers. Which number is her highest pleasure pressure point? Let yourself become a student of her Goddess Body. The right pressure is really pure magic.
♡ Don’t switch your movements too much. Stay with a few movements and see how she reacts. Give it time to blossom. If she likes something and starts to get real pleasure; DONT SPEED UP your pace, keep calm and steady and just keep on doing exactly how you do. In that way, she can deliciously expand into orgasmic energy.
♡ Make pleasure noises yourself while doing it. It creates a turn-on for both of you and makes an imprint in your nerve system like “this is pleasure time”. Also, the vibrations of humming creates a very nice sensation in the Yoni.
♡ Simply ask her what she would like to receive and what she in-joys the most.

Written by Yvonne Betty

Going down on a Goddess
A poetic perspective of receiving the most delicious yoni honoring. Oh My. What it does to me when I feel how much you love to kiss, touch and eat her like the most delicious thing you have ever tasted. It awakens my Sensual Goddess and my deep yearning desire to...

Going down on a Goddess
A poetic perspective of receiving the most delicious yoni honoring. Oh My. What it does to me when I feel how much you love to kiss, touch and eat her like the most delicious thing you have ever tasted. It awakens my Sensual Goddess and my deep yearning desire to...

Going down on a Goddess
A poetic perspective of receiving the most delicious yoni honoring. Oh My. What it does to me when I feel how much you love to kiss, touch and eat her like the most delicious thing you have ever tasted. It awakens my Sensual Goddess and my deep yearning desire to...